
We have developed the Organizational Brain system, a unique system for knowledge management and process improvement.

This system addresses all aspects of the company (general management, research and marketing, engineering, sales and account management, quality control, logistics, finance, customer service, and support). Working according to the Organizational Brain systems ensures that all processes within the company are managed with high quality, excellence, and continuous improvement.

Code of Ethics – 10 Conduct Rules at RAM Audio Hub

  1. Honesty and Reliability

    • Commitment to telling the truth.
    • No manipulation of customers or colleagues.
  2. Sensitivity and Willingness to Help Colleagues

    • Understand and respect the needs of those around you.
    • Adopt the principle of “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
  3. External and Internal Customer Satisfaction

    • Provide accurate, careful, and proper service aimed at customer satisfaction.
    • Advise and guide customers on how to become self-sufficient.
  4. Openness to Change and Constructive Criticism

    • Continuous willingness to implement change in response to changing realities.
  5. Striving for Diligence and Excellence

    • Effort to achieve excellent performance. Adherence to agreements and decisions.
    • Avoid shortcuts, opting for long-term solutions over quick fixes.
  6. Caring and Taking Responsibility

    • Show genuine care for the organization and the working environment.
    • Demonstrate willingness to perform beyond personal tasks.
  7. Using Mistakes as Leverage for Improvement

    • Use mistakes as a springboard to improve processes.
    • Tolerate mistakes and avoid finger-pointing.
  8. Financial Responsibility and Protection of Property, Facilities, and Equipment

    • Recycle materials and maximize the use of all equipment.

RAM Audio Hub’s managers strive to:

  1. Set a Personal Example

    • Each manager’s behavior should directly reflect the ethics of RAM Audio Hub.
    • Demand as much and more from yourself as you do from others.
  2. Be Transparent, Fair, and Explain Your Decisions

  • Share information and factors that assist in decision-making with the decision-makers.
  • Demonstrate a sense of fairness and objectivity in every decision.

At RAM Audio Hub, both managers and employees aim to act in accordance with a consistent set of values. We believe that maintaining these values significantly contributes to our ongoing success.